Poison in My Pocket lyrics
by Steven Lutvak
You and I go sailing by and no one will know where to find us. Unseen, unknown, and blissfully alone
We're leaving the riff-raff behind us
All afternoon in our sweet cocoon
Our cares for the moment at bay
Side by side who knows how far we'll glide
Bid the world goodbye eagerly we'll fly
I am standing here with poison in my pocket
Standing on this frozen little dock-
It seems that I've just let them skate my opportunity away
If I had the poise to put the poison
In a pot of tea or else a shot of gin
I would be back amid the noise of London by the end of day. But
I am standing here with poison in my pocket
One eye on the target, one eye on the clock-
It better happen soon before I lose my nerve and run
If I had a knife, I could have grabbed him
And discreetly knocked him on the head and stabbed him
Not to mention what I would have done
If I had had a gun
Then again the thought occurs: if I had truly taken stock
It might have stopped me putting poison in my pocket
What a fool to travel all this way and not think twice
Murder's not a hobby for the cautious
Thoughts of violence can make the timid nauseous...
Unless of course the victim plunges headlong through the ice
It appears that I've been handed quite an opportune solution
All that still remains is proper execution
I had better join them on the lake before it gets too late!
Suddenly there is no stumbling block
It means that I won't need the poison in my pocket
What a stroke of luck Sibella teased me 'til I learned to skate
Closer now time is racing- now time is racing on
It's all a matter of pacing
In a moment this moment will be gone
MONTY (at the same time):
With the rhythm of a violinist I am sawing where I think the ice is thinnest
To create a hole through which the tragic lovers meet their doom
One could call this rather diabolic
Is it strange to feel a wee bit melancholic?
Like a twinge of some remorse
Of course! A conscience I assume
But no! As I'm cutting I am contemplating
And the truth is it's a tad exhilarating
Even though it is not inconceivable that I'll be caught!
Still it comes as quite a shock it seems
A novice standing here with poison in his pocket
Can discover murdering is easier than he had thought
ASQUITH, JR. (at the same time):
You and I go sailing by and no one will know where to find us. Unseen, unknown, and blissfully alone
We're leaving the riff-raff behind us
All afternoon in our sweet cocoon
Our cares for the moment at bay
Side by side who knows how far we'll glide
Bid the world goodbye eagerly we'll fly away
Bid the world goodbye eagerly we fly-
(ASQUITH, JR. drowns)
All of this is frankly easier than I had thought