im so tired// june 5 freestyle lyrics
I'm so tired of being alone and
I'm so tired of being so scared and
I try to make my days go slow but
I can't keep up with my time
And I'm trying hard to make a day
And I'm trying hard to make this last but
I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna try
I don't wanna lie to you
And I just want to survive
I'm trying hard to make my time last and
I'm trying hard to have a good time
But I'm not breathing
And I'm not being fair
But I promise I'm a good person
And I'm not sad
And I promise I'm a good person
I don't mean anything by it
But I'm so tired of being alone
And I'm so tired of being afraid
And I'm so tired of you
And I'm so tired of me
And I'm so tired of calling us "we"
When you are you and I'm not me
But I'm so tired of being alone
And I'm so tired of being afraid
And I'm so tired of you
And I'm so tired of me
And I don't wanna be alone
And I don't wanna be all free
I don't wanna run away
And I don't wanna be with me
And I'm just scared of you
And I'm just scared of me
And I'm just scared of we
But like I said, I shouldn't be afraid
And I shouldn't be afraid
And I shouldn't be afraid of
I'm so scared of you
And I'm so scared what we do
And I'm trying hard to make sense of this
But I'm so scared of you
And how can we be we
And how can you be you
And how can me be me
When I am not you
When you are not me
And we are we
So who am i?
And who are you?
And who are we?
And what is this?
And what is that?
And I don't know
But I don't wanna be alone
And I'm so scared of you
I'm so scared of me
I'm so scared of we