Palästinalied lyrics
by In Extremo
Alverst lebe ich mir werde (Only now I live how I think is worthy)
Sit min svendig ovge siht (since my sinner's eyes has seen)
Daz reine lant vnde ovch die erde (the pure land and the soil)
Der man so vil eren giht (that is given so much honor to)
Es ist geschehen des ich ie bat (now has happened what I prayed for)
Ich bin komen an die stat (I have arrived on the site)
Da got menschlichen trat (where God walked as Man)
Schoeniv lant rich vnde here (Beautiful lands, rich and sublime)
Swaz ich der noch han gesehen (that I have already seen)
So bist dvs aller ere (you surpass them all)
Waz ist wunders hie geschehen (what miracles came to pass here)
Das ein magt ein kint gebar (that a virgin gave birth to a child)
Here vber aller engel schar (that is the lord over all the angels)
Waz das niht ein wunder gar (that was a miracle, was it not?)
Hie lies er sich reine tovfen (here he let himself be baptised to purity)
Daz der mensche reine si (so that humans may be pure)
Do lies er sich hie verkovfen (then he let himself be sold)
Daz wir eigen wurden fri (so we thralls may be free)
Anders weren wir verlorn (if not, we would be lost)
Wol dir sper kriuce vnde dorn (hail to you, spear, cross and (crown of) thorn(s))
Wê dir, heiden, daz ist dir zorn (woe to you, heathens, it shall be your disgust)
Alverst lebe ich mir werde (Only now I live how I think is worthy)
Sit min svendig ovge siht (since my sinner's eyes has seen)
Daz reine lant vnde ovch die erde (the pure land and the soil)
Der man so vil eren giht (the pure land and the soil)
Es ist geschehen des ich ie bat (now has haben what I prayed for)
Ich bin komen an die stat (I have arrived on the site)
Da got menschlichen trat (where God walked as Man)