Depression Pt.2 lyrics
by Ocean Beats
Run off*
Just viz- i just want it to go away
Counselor- what go away
Just viz- this depression i just want to be normal again
Counselor- well your going to have to vent
Just viz- okay
(verse) 1
Some days I’m tired and sick of my life
Depression and saddest it ain’t gonna hide
Anxiety’s in back and enjoying its ride
Inside of my body so Ima disquize
I wish I could go on feel like I’m here
But sometimes I don’t feel like I’m real
Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in a dream on repeat and I’m cold to my feet and don’t know what to feel
In the middle of nights I wake up and sweat
I bottle the tears and drown in its regret
I wish I could get all the weight off my chest
With school they be shoving these tests down my neck I get it that I’m not the best
But even if I try it all ends in a mess
But in with this music I feel like I’m blessed
But I’m scared to show talent it all ends in distress
I wish I could push all these comments away
It all end with us yelling and grades in my face
Why don’t you drop music and focus on A’s
I’m not gonna do that I’m not gonna change
I can't do it now I’m to in it to stop
I’m seeing my dreams looking down from the top
I only come down when I put on my socks
Look up to the gods and pray that I stay
Run off pt 2*
Just viz- i just wanna get better
Counselor- well heres these pills
Justviz- what , no
Counselor- yes they will help
Just viz- no , no no.......
(verse) 2
Look that’s why I came to you first
You give me the pills and expect them to work
That’s why I’m here it made everything worst
That’s why I’m sad and my life’s in a blur
It isn’t a cure
It quit spreading bullsh*t that’s all f*cking lies
Your messing with families and ruining life’s
Some of the side effects are suicide
And I don’t wanna die
Why would I take all them meds to feel lesser
I only came to you so I could feel better
If that is the case I’m ended this session
If this didn’t help then why would a weapon I just to learn to cope with my mind
Cope with the demon inside
Make him friend so I can live my life without ended and saying goodbye
*gun shot*