Choose lyrics
by Ocean Beats
Caught the commas, pick yourself up
This the one time you don't get to mess up
And you miss her - what a lesson
I will get to choose maybe but...
[Verse 1]
Keyboard right in front me - that’s what I do
She want a big piece of it, that's not for you
Tic toc, time is running out, I know it's true
Pick up on that phone I want that body soon
Freestyle when I’m not really sober
Not a good idea, I'll get it over
She a devil in disguise, but I want her
I get all that I want - call it karma
Caught the commas, pick yourself up
This the one time you don't get to mess up
And you miss her - what a lesson
I will get to choose when I get the checkout
[Verse 2]
Choose, choose, lotta sauce
Clever lyrics, lotta of those
My life on the road
Only home is studio
[Verse 3]
Все, что нужно мне для дела микрофон и спикер
У, так много музыкантов я давно не видел
Поиграться в реперка на полгода - предел
Пока в поиске волны я готовлю прилив