Know Yourself (Brow Chakra Meditation) lyrics
by Londrelle
Inhale. Know yourself as love
Exhale. Know yourself as light
Inhale. Know yourself as wisdom
Exhale. Know yourself as perception
Affirm yourself
I know that my life is in divine care
I trust the inner light that guides me
My heart is expanding
My consciousness is expanding
I see beauty and love everywhere that I go
I feel beauty and love in everyone that I see
I see divine light
I am divine light
I see God in all
I am God in all
My life is not separate from life
The entire universe is my body
When I hurt others, I also hurt myself
When I help others, I also help myself
When I condemn others, I also condemn myself
When I celebrate others, I also celebrate myself
All is my Self. I embrace myself in all
I accept myself in all
I see life with a single eye and an equal mind
Everything is okay. Everything is alright
I will do my best to bring love and light into this dimension
I am conscious love. I am conscious light
I am eternal energy. I am eternal light
I use my mind to create my reality
My mind is full of positive and creative thoughts
I reject thoughts that do not fit into my world of peace
I reject thoughts that do not agree with my world of love
I am the creator of my reality
I am the master of my destiny
I am connected with Source at all times
I am connected with Source at all times
I am one with Source at all times
I am an expression of Source
I am Source Energy expressing itself
I am connected to all. I am all
I am absolute oneness
I am omnipresent unity
I am OM
I am OM
I am OM
Inhale. Know yourself as love
Exhale. Know yourself as light
Inhale. Know yourself as wisdom
Exhale. Know yourself as perception
Know that your life is in divine care
Trust the inner light that guides your
Allow your heart to expand
Allow your consciousness to expand
See beauty and love everywhere that you go
Feel beauty and love in everyone that you see
See divine light
You are divine light
See God in all
You are God in all
Your life is not separate from life
The entire universe is your body
When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself
When you help others, you also help yourself
When you condemn others, you also condemn yourself
When you celebrate others, you also celebrate yourself
All is your Self. Embrace yourself in all
Accept yourself in all
See life with a single eye and an equal mind
Everything is okay. Everything is alright
Do your best to bring love and light into this dimension
You are conscious love. You are conscious light
You are eternal energy. You are eternal light
Use your mind to create my reality
Fill your mind with positive and creative thoughts
Reject thoughts that do not fit into your world of peace
Reject every thought that does not agree with your world of love
You are the creator of your reality
You are the master of your destiny
You are connected with Source at all times
You are one with Source at all times
You are an expression of Source
You are Source Energy expressing itself
You are connected with all. You are all
You are absolute oneness
You are omnipresent unity
You are OM
You are OM
You are OM