Skit: 망설임과 두려움 (Hesitation and Fear) lyrics


Jung Kook (정국)

Skit: 망설임과 두려움 의해 방탄소년단 가사(The Billboard Music Awards is playing)

Logan Paul and Lindsey Stirling: And the Billboard Music Award goes to... BTS!

(BTS enters the room)

Jimin: Ah PD-nim~
Jin: Hello
Suga: Hello, hello
(PD pauses the video)
Jin: Ah PD-nim what are you watching?
V: Hello (RM laughs)
Jin: Isn’t that our Billboard video?
RM: You got caught
Jungkook: Hello
Jin: You’re not our fan right? (J-Hope laughs)
PD: No, I’m a-
Jin: Aye, it seems like it
V: Hyung, sit down
Jin: Yes (Laughs)
J-Hope: You’re embarrassed (RM laughs)... That can happen (Chattering)
PD: Ah, wait here for a while, I have a meeting
Jin: Bye fan-nim~

(PD leaves the room)
Jungkook: Ya, when was that from?
All the other members: Billboard
Jungkook: Were we just going up?
J-Hope: That was May right?
Jin: Yeah
RM: May, what day was it?
J-Hope: Now it’s…
Suga: That was May?
J-Hope: Well, it’s almost September already
Suga: That’s crazy
RM: Over 3 months ago
V: Woah, wow
Suga: There's only 4 months left now
J-Hope: That’s right
Jin: Wow
RM: It’s like we feel it all of a sudden... 100 days left
J-Hope: Ahh really?
RM: Yeah
Jungkook: If you say that, it feels like it’s a short time
RM: Yeah, sorry... (Laughter)
Suga: 100 days already passed? It felt really short
Jungkook: It feels like time barely passed by
J-Hope: Wow, time flies fast
Jin: The amount of emotion and goosebump-
Jungkook: Goosebumps
Jin: Goosebumps we felt at that moment, wow we became worldwide. That kind of feeling
Suga: (V laughs) Stop using “worldwide”
Jin: Why? Honestly speaking, I made it up (Chattering) I said it first
RM: Yeah, that’s why I added that in the lyrics, “Sorry worldwide” (Laughter and chattering)
Suga: International pop... K...
V: Sunshine
Suga: Sunshine
BTS: Rainbow
Jin: That's over now
V: Shrimp
Jungkook: USB Hub
V: Hub...
Jin: Seriously, how far are you gonna go?
RM: But really, all of us grew a lot
Jin: That’s right
RM: Be honest: when you guys first came, who didn’t know what “Billboard” was?
Jimin: Me
J-Hope: Ahhhh~
Jungkook: Me
J-Hope: Me (RM laughs) I’m raising my hand slowly!
Jungkook: Honestly, I didn’t know anything about music back then
Jimin: For me, I knew Billboard but I didn't even know what Grammy was
RM: That's understandable, but since Billboard has a chart I thought it was a good thing, so I was supporting it
Jimin: I thought there was a singer named “Grammy”; I kept hearing Grammy mentioned with music. That’s why I thought Grammy was a singer!
RM: We’re such noobs, aren’t we?
Jimin: Aye, it was a long time ago
Suga: That was 7–8 years ago
RM: I said this in an interview before, when we were waiting... Hobi and I... we were… what was it? We went to the (beeped out) store. We sat down and talked like a year before debut.
Jimin: Do you remember?
J-Hope: Of course I remember
RM: We both sat down and had a really long talk sitting there on the iron tape
Jin: What did you eat?
RM: I don’t know. Back then, we ate food there that kinda looked like hotdogs
J-Hope: Yeah, that’s right, that's right
RM: Like food for 150 won.
Suga: Ah, right! There was that food (Chattering)
J-Hope: The store before it changed
Suga: There was that kind of food, about 150 won and 130 won (Chattering)
Jungkook: Wasn’t it chilli or something?
RM: Something like that. Anyway, we were eating-
J-Hope: That time, I really didn’t even know if it was going in my mouth or nose
RM: We talked about if we would even be able to debut for a long time.
Suga: We always talk about that
J-Hope: We were nervous
Jimin: Namjoon-hyung always said things like that
Jin: That’s right
Jimin: We talked about it at Jamsil bridge and at the café with this hyung. He always called me up and always talked to me.
Jin: He called the members and talked to the members one by one often
RM: Café office. (Laughter)
Suga: Honestly it was scary. Every day was scary.
V: Honestly, when me and Namjoon-hyung took Japanese classes together
RM: That’s right
V: I was very perceptive to someone I didn’t even debut with yet (Laughter)
J-Hope: Oh, Jungkook and I always fell asleep in English class! (Laughter)
Jungkook: We both fell asleep in the same way (Laughter)
Jin: J-Hope and I only played in Chinese class (Laughter)
J-Hope: That was a really long time ago
RM: I didn’t think we’ll get to debut, even after the year we debuted
Suga: I... I even got injured at that time, I didn’t think I’d debut
RM: To be honest, we are the only ones that received an award at the show as a K-Pop group
J-Hope: True
V: True
RM: I’m not saying we should boast, but to be honest it is a huge success. That’s what I think. But because of that, I keep wondering - To what point, how far we need to go up. Like we go really far up. For example, the video in front of us, won’t it be replayed forever? Like in 10 years, we'll go on reality shows and they’ll play that video and ask how we felt over and over again. After experiencing that, it makes me nervous honestly. It makes me wonder how far we might fall down.
J-Hope: Ow... Yeah
Suga: Me too, me too. I relate so much because the hardest thing for me is that going up is going up. We worked hard to come up to where we are.
V: I don’t like that
Suga: But compared to that, won’t falling down happen so quickly? I worry about that a lot.
RM: Hmm, that’s what I’m saying
Jin: It’s like when you meet someone for the first time and you have that kind of excitement - feelings of nervousness and worry of what this person is going to be like. Isn’t it similar?
RM: First meeting kind of feeling?
Jin: Yeah, first meeting
J-Hope: What are you saying suddenly? (Laughs)
Jungkook: Yeah, hyung I think you really…
Jin: Did I go too far?
J-Hope: We have to settle this today (Jimin laughs)
Jin: Ah, I’m nervous for today (Chattering)
J-Hope: We have to play a game today
Jungkook: I think I know what you’re talking about
Jin: Yeah so if you understand, quickly make the mood or something yeah? (Laughter)
Jungkook: Sing a song!
Jin: Yeah

V: (Sings) “They tell me to come” (Sings A Typical Trainee’s Christmas) (Laughter and chattering)
Suga: I remember when Jungkook sang Señorita and his voice cracked!
Jimin: Ahh yeah Señorita... Back then, I couldn’t even get lessons
J-Hope: Ahh that’s right
Jimin: I couldn’t even get lessons, so I just watched
Jin: Jimin joined really late
Jimin: Somewhat, a little bit I... (Laughs)
V: Jimin then…
Jimin: Stop it, I know what you’re going to say
V: When Jimin couldn’t get lessons, he came to one of my lessons
Jimin: What?
V: When I was having lessons
Jimin: Vocal?
V: Yeah
Jungkook: Observer, observer
V: He was just observing that time and I thought I would show him a cool side of myself. All I did was “Doomba, doomba, doomba” (Laughter)
Jimin: Seriously, all he did was that for hours “Doom, doom, doom” (Jin laughs) He did that the whole time and ended
V: Ahh, I wanted to show him how cool I was
RM: That kind of feeling in those Chinese martial art films, they make you clean for 3 years
Jin: Ah that’s right, that’s right... You went to the kitchen and washed the dishes for 3 years
RM: That’s right (Jimin laughs)
Jungkook: That’s why Jimin-hyungs’ first practice was “Why do you call me?” (Spine Breaker song)
Jin and Jimin: (Sings) “Why do you call me, why do you call me, tee de de de”

RM: At that time, that was then and now is now. I think it’s like our collective idea of an idol. About how we want to live, what we show. We keep throwing out social issue messages. Like even now, our album title is “Love Yourself” too. We don’t make meaningless songs, but doing this seems like we’re acting too, as we’re living our life.
Jimin: Yeah, so I think people might not know…
J-Hope: We want to show a good image to people (Chattering)
Jin: We’ve always
Jimin: They don’t understand why we have to live like this - there’s no other way
Suga: We’ve always?
Jin: We have always shown ourselves as good people (J-Hope laughs)
Jimin: Yeah, I mean we want to show our good image too
Jin: That’s right
Suga: This is, this is difficult. I mean it isn’t fake for sure
Jimin: Right
Suga: If you think about it, we’re just people that are presented after being wrapped up nicely
Jimin: But of course at the same time, it's not like we're trying to deceive anyone and lie... it's not that... we're just always trying to show them our good sides, so...
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