Wayne Wayne Go Away lyrics
by R. Stevie Moore
I took my love onto the beach
We swam alone until he came
It got so bad i had to tell him
Wayne wayne, go away
You don't belong here, say
Wayne wayne, go away
In nineteen hundred seventy-two
There was a boy much bigger than you
He used to smile and stick out his tongue
Remember he was so very young
I took my love onto the beach
We swam alone out of his reach
It got so deep i had to tell him
His mother never gave him a spank
He was a boy as big as a tank
I shoulda gave him some of my fist
But mama mama wouldn't like this
I took my love onto the beach
We swam alone out of his reach
It got so cold i had to tell him
He had a big black tire to float
It made him look like jupiter's boat
He used to say he liked to eat shark
And like a tree he knew how to bark
I took my love onto the beach
We swam alone out of his reach
It got so dark i had to tell him
I took my love onto the beach
We swam alone out of his reach
It got so wet i had to tell him