Jessica Sandwich lyrics
by R. Stevie Moore
RSM: Hey, where did we get that record from?
IC: Shut up! Just came in today, uh, TK didn't want me to let you have it. So he gave it to me, he didn't wanna let you see it
FB: Huh? Say that again
IC: Shut up!! Just came in today! TK didn't want me to let you see it!
JP: Plintiff! And give the little girl what she asks for
RSM: And what, may I enquire, gives you the impression I'm a 'she'?
FB: He might've seen your quim!
IC: Terry? Do, do you like us?
TKF: I only like 'her' (points to RSM)
RSM: Hey, come on, you guys! How in the world could I have a voice like this if I were a girl? I mean, everytime it's like...
FB: Look, we cannot help but wonder when we see such a smooth genitalia!
JP: I always noticed it!
CB: Come here, honey! Let's see what honky tonk angels are *really* made of!
RSM: Cut it out!!
IC: Remember when I sported a beard?
FB: Rub it on her!
RSM: STOP IT! Just... Leave... Me... ALONE!!
IC: Now, this boota's really consistent, it reminds me of that Maxwells incident. Do you think anyone ever caught on to Burt Reynolds in the White House?
RSM: Hey, hands off my pants!! You crazy???? (pause) Look, I'll prove it to ya! (reveals manhood) See? Look at this THANG!
FB: Maaan, that turns me off!
RSM: Whadda you mean?
IC: Hold it, hold it! MCA Records is here! Everybody sing!
CB: 1-2-
ALL (in unison):
"She is a modern chickadee
With a hot dog and needle and thread
Fashion plate lady of all dreams
I am not amused, I am not refused service
But, then, yet...
Jessica Sandwich
Woe is me boota
West Caldwell."