Prayer Pathetique lyrics
by R. Stevie Moore
Our dear and precious Lord Jesus, let me praise thee for this genuine opportunity to speak with thee on this lovely Monday evening. Oh Christ, bless us with your love and your path towards everlasting life in thy wonderful kingdom above. (Here, Here!) Lord Jesus, please remember our blessed Reverend Miller. Please touch his body, dear Jesus, and make it welt, for he has livеd thy heavenly creed for forty of his last forty years. And though his body is unsuitablе for thy restoration, Lord bless his heart with thy inimitable care. Remember, dear Savior, your traditional forgiveness for our many sins, and cleanse our minds of any dreadful thoughts which may call to our minds' telephones. Sweet Jesus, don't let us answer. Watch over us, day and night, and lead us toward that castle of spiritual riches, that Divine Impresario, where thy guidance and love can awaiting on us all. In the Lord Jesus Christ's blessed name... let us not forget his progress in Gash Falls, Virginia either... AMEN