شارع من كندا lyrics
by Omar Laya
Check it from the f*cking north side
7000 Mama bizerta the bridge
Kouki el ostedh
El 7aj Afif
Rap Heure man
Check it
Thana na3ref li bech yo93ed kolo klem ( mela baba )
N7ebech na7ki ghir fi 5ater IFM ( wallah )
S3ib chtsada9 na3ref bech t9oulou aflem ( ya3 )
Ena lbasas ya sidi ntouma mta3 el ijram
Bidha pure kilouet des petits sacs ma9sousin
Wraya 12 KTM ebakouet masrou9in
Ghir mates2elnich mnin la kifech w win mechin
Enta fin w el hob fin bdé yatla3 ladrenaline
Nejbed fard mel imin bounya 7did mel isar
T5ayel kartoucha fel rokba t5ayеl crouchi fel mouchoir
Tchoufou feya lkol bizarre nchouf fikom lkol kifkif
Lkol so9at w dеs conards dazen bida9 fel 5fif
Ya 5ouya manich ndhif entom 3ada li ma7lekom
Katana nejbedlek sif
Dez fi nfalem jey nafja3kom
Rabi m3ana w rabi m3akom la no93ed la na7ki maakom
La nasma3kom la ntaba3kom la sa9aya dob wtakom
7ad rou7i jamais tchoufni narmi bleya ( wallah )
N7aseb rou7i 9odem lmraya
3andi 9adri w 3ezet nafsi s3ab m3aya ( hamdoullah ya rabi )
3andi styli w caractéri w 3andi fdhaya
Chnowa chbikom chyekel fikom
Nchouf fel ghira nchouf fel 7esd fi 3inikom
Chwaya thi9a a ce point athart fikom
Tejbdouni wehed wehed nemchi fikom
Mondo ekher lougha okhra
B grammage ma3ach b trouf
M5ada flous ma3ach b souf
Bel kartouch ma3ach b 7rouf
Tadhreb ken 7asit bel 5ouf
Gata3 a5a sa7 el chouf
Sel3a bnina djari el jouf
3ana el chimique 3ana kyouf
3ana m5a5 djib masrouf
3ana bdounet des mremdes
6 heures du mat djina swat moch kamyoun el baladeya
Chbik ya bnaya fok 3liya
Bjadek kifhom t9is feya
Mar5oufin dhkoura treya
Raphom yetghana fi wteya
Maghir mzeya
Thana kelmtek n9oulha
Doura interdit chndourha
Djini boula toul nboulha
Denya nsoulha nheb njoulha
Tal3et fesda trou7 omourha
Narmi ydaya fi 3a***
Nfok mte3i ay men chounha men kalsounha
Mech ki na3ref men 3ineha
Tkabech taw n9oselha ydeha
Nched nesra9ha nebrakeha
Nfokha lkol w n3areha
Trou7 la 93ad w bagla leha
N9os lseni n3ich bakouch w manghanich ana ba3diha
[?] Charismatique mantaba3 7ad stylo unique
Sport w chic mta3 trafic stupefiant fel mecanique
Coca pure jailbreak laboratoire mta3 chimique
Frouda semi automatique
Nekdheb 3lik
Slé 3la rsoullah 3bed matefhem ken bel ghoura
Fhemtha sghir traya7 fel six tor7 koura
Pablo dellora ched el mafia la camora
Ta7kich m3aya trani ndour m3a cha5toura
Toghlet 3ad akeka ken fibelek manaf3alch
Manodhlomch s7i7 akeka mana79arch
Manoskotch kich t7ebni manjawebch
Manfadlekch kich t7ebni manangharch
Rzin w na3ref ech n9oul
Insa el logic w el ma39oul