Life lyrics
by Sounds Of Blackness
I was a wounded bird / With a broken wing / Who could fly and could not sing / You watched my gentle tears / Trickle down my cheek / You knew my fragile mind was oh so very weak / I was living in a world of pain and doubt / But you were there to sort things out //
Chorus: For all that I've been through / For all that I've been through /My life has meaning because of You / Without your love, What would I do? / My life has meaning because of You //
You gave me hope, when I couldn't think / You gave me life when I began to sink / When I was drowning, You saw me through / My life has meaning because of You / You gently mended my broken wing / And you showed me I could do anything //
You helped me through my pain and sorrow / Always showing me A brighter tomorrow / You touched my life and I felt alive / With Your love, I knew that I would survive