There Did Three Knights Come From The West lyrics
by Philip Larkin
[Verse 1]
Did three Knights come from the west
(With the high and the lily, oh)
And these three Knights courted one lady
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
The first knight came was all in white
(With the high and the lily, oh)
And asked of her if she'd be his delight
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
The next knight came was all in green
(With the high and the lily, oh)
And asked of her if she'd be his queen
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
The third knight came was all in red
(With the high and the lily, oh)
And asked of her if she would wed
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"Then have you asked of my father dear?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"Likewise of her who did me bear?"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"And have you asked of my brother John?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"And also of my sister Anne?"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"Yes, I've asked of your father dear"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"Likewise of her who did you bear"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"And I've asked of your sister Anne"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"But I've not asked of your brother John"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
Along for long they rode alone
(With the high and the lily, oh)
There did they meet with her brother John
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
She stooped low to kiss him sweet
(With the high and the lily, oh)
And he to her heart did a dagger meet
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
With the high and the lily, oh
As the rose was so sweetly blown
[Verse 2]
"Ride on, ride on", cried the servingman
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"Methinks your bride she looks woundrous wan"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"I wish I were on yonder stile"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"For there I would sit and bleed awhile"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"I wish I were on yonder hill"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"There I'd alight and make my will"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"What would you give to your father dear?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"Oh, the gallant steed which doth me bear"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"And what would you give to your mother dear?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"My wedding shift which I do wear"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
'But she must wash it very clean"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"For my heart's blood sticks in every seam"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"And what would you give to your sister Anne?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"Oh, my gay gold ring, and my feathered fan"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"What would you give to your brother John's wife?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"A widow's weeds, and a quiet life"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"And what would you give to your brother John?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"A rope and a gallows to hang him on"
(As the rose was so sweetly blown)
"And what would you give to your brother John?"
(With the high and the lily, oh)
"A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on
A rope and a gallows to hang him on"