America I Knew lyrics


American Authors

We can achieve justice by writing the truth using details. The audience responds to the poem theirown way. We build communities through petitions of writing knowledge and creating interest ofsupport that are drawn by passionate words. America Great Again is not what I perceive as the American dream. I feel that America wasfounded on the principal of being an example of the free world that includes freedom of speech andfreedom of religion. America to me is a promised land to govern be a free society with the right tochoose, the right to vote and the right to petition.Immigrants came to America believing that American society would not foster. That America would allow laws that would protect American belief. In a free society America wouldcome to practice faith. America would become not separate but be equal where all Americans could vote, all Americans would have equal access to a good and fair education, where every Americancould have fair representation in court and equal access to public facilities. The American dreamstates that every American can determine a level of prosperity and pursuit of happiness. As an American, when I am not allowed the same freedom as others, I am living inopposition because I am being excluded from a free society that was promised to me. I am thenlabeled dysfunctional in society as the poor, the minority, the homeless, the working class, theelderly and the disabled.I feel no matter how hard I try to become the mainstream society, I am denied and heldback and the purpose to live is ignored and personal freedom becomes a distorted image ofimpropriety and suppression. I am no longer living in a free society. I am living in the land ofdiscontent. The history of black people is they came as slaves. They were beaten, lynched, tortured. They help build this nation. They were depended to work in factories and minding crops at the time was main resource. As second-class citizens, they were discriminated. They were not allowed equaltreatment to others. After civil rights era black could vote, to go to school with whites and moreopportunities they did not have before. People have died to have equality in America. After viewing the news, I realize the rhetoric about what America is and what it mightbecome. Most felt comfortable about being free that it could be easily taken away. Some felt goodabout their country and I question what it means to be free. I have seen protest from differentgroups who represent a free society ideology. Why fight when we have the same skin askedpresident trump. Pence mentioned it is wrong to say we included in everyone feels the same. I feel we have the right to free speech. I feel we should all get along. America was always great. There aredifferent people who are both better and worst. There was always racism. Some groups were alwaysbetter than me and I don't understand why encourage bad behavior or being meant to express theirsuperiority. I feel just because one person is mean we all should be mean. People can continue dailylives quietly. I've seen and read about slavery and civil rights. I see pictures of emit till and boys hungby ropes. That scares me. I thought America overcame hate and the worst result. It hurt me when aboy at the sotre says to his dad America is for us white people. It reminds me of a movie when a boy

Was excited to see a game staring a black but when he heard hate he got hateful. I don't believe youmust be mean while hurting others. I'm afraid that someone did this to our country to show we arein a bad state and falling apart. I don't know where America is headed. We had come so far as America was home of love and the home of the free.Poetry is a political action undertaken for the sake of information, the faith, theexorcism, and the lyrical invention, that telling the truth makes possible. Poetry means takingcontrol of the language of your life. Good poems can interdict a suicide, rescue a love affair,and build a revolution in which speaking and listening to somebody becomes the first and last
Purpose to every social encounter. …
Speaking and listening the creation of poems is a foundationfor true community: a fearless democratic society.I know racism is wrong and I do not believe America should go back in history and relive Americas painful past of racial hatred and abuse. I am a victim of hate where I was called names andcursed out and threatened. I break down and cry when I am reminded of the hateful words used atme. People have died in America to have the freedoms we know today. A freedom taken for grantedthat can be so easily taken away. If kids toady read books about their own race and saw how wrongful racism is, how wrongful
Discrimination is, how wrongful it is to kill out of hate it
Would be then they realize that we are all God’s children. Racism is wrongful racial
Ignorance of hateagainst someone because they are different.If we learned to talk about our problems, we should learn to communicate ideas for acommon cause. We should believe in the betterment of all people. A child is bullied every day inschool and
As a result to feel the belongs he joins a gang so he won’t feel harassed. If there is no
Gang then the kid commits suicide, because he did not have the guidance and support he needed tosurvive racial hatred. To write a protest poem, I feel it is necessary to identify with the meaning of purpose behind writing a poem. Three questions come to mind when attempting the purpose of writing a poem.First, I must define what a poem is. Second, I must identify with what social justice means. Third, Imust define the meaning of the community I am trying to reach. A poem is written about something a poet has compassion to write about. A poem is writtenon what a poet can relate to. A poem is a form of communication between a poet and an audienceused to mediate a positive or negative response to what occurs in history. A poem is used as animage of ideas which permeates concern within a group of people. A poem can be used to connectan audience to give an emotional response. The purpose of writing a poem is to define the meaning of an experience. A poem is used toidentify purpose through personal reflection. Every culture is different. Racism is different in everyculture. Racism is experienced differently in every culture. People identify with conflict through virtue of knowing right from wrong and through morality and understanding justice. A poet writesthe truth so that an audience can judge for themselves. A poet gives facts and details from whatconcerns an audience to inform them and create a dialog for people to respond

Social justice is what is considered politically correct in a society that have conflictingpolitical views in a society at that particular time frame in history. It is when people disagree orquestion the law about its actions are working for the community that they live in. A community is a place you live in, the culture you embrace, the beliefs you inhibit and the values you worship. You are the environment that surrounds you. The community is an audience who show the same interest, who show the same concern for an issue the poet discusses in thetheme he writes about. To write a protest poem the tone of voice of the characters are witty, comical, warm and
Thought provoking and the character’s voice is consistent throughout the story
If I compared thepersonality of content with my voice , I would determine that his tone of voice my beliefs are basedon American culture. I have paranoid schizophrenia. The voice in my writing form is the style whichspeaks of love, pain, regret and forgiveness. I am a graduate from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and my major was Workforce education. I am a graduate student studying creative writing atthe University of Berkley. The dialog in which the book was written follows a pattern that isconsi
Stent throughout the book, where the author’s voice is like the voice of America telling the
Story evolving modern American culture today. I tell the story of America to create empathy towardsrace. I feel that it is because of the emotions involved in writing this piece that my work should beincluded in your journal to the world to collect the realistic human values that evolve in the societyof biasis as it effects modern American culture today. A poet responds to public disaster by reporting on the issues that concerns all. A reporterreports the facts while a protest poem reports the facts that affects us in an emotional way. The poetactivist is someone who is affectionate to human suffering.In order to understand what a political protest poem is, it must be defined. I feel that politicsare the laws on issues that may affect a society. People who protest are opposed to the governmentlaws because the laws pose a threat or may cause danger to human life, our economy and our way ofliving. A poem is a form of speech used to communicate an idea which may create a form ofawareness to certain issues in society. A political protest poem is a form of speech that contradicts apolitical policy in government because it poses a threat to human life. It is a poem used tocommunicate an idea that a condition that one lives in is wrong. A protest poem are words that needto be said at that time in history. A protest poem will inform people on issues of interest

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