I found. [Repeating]
I found someone much more precious then wealth
Said I found someone loves me more then myself
Said I found someone who treats me better then anyone else
And I found someone who will love me, loves me more then myself yeah...
Then everything else
I found. [Repeating]
I found something better then everybody else yeah
[Paul Washer Spoken:]
So what I want to do right now is I want us to pray, I want you to pray, I want you to think about what's being done here today. We are going to worship the Lord collectively. If that truth brings to your mind that you do not worship the Lord privately then ask Him to forgive you and ask Him to restore unto you that privilege to worship Him privately. Ask Him to strengthen you that you might better prepare the hearts of your children to come be with God's people. This is so important, I am not all about rigidness at all. But I never want anything to be common, we're sitting here we're not dressed in ties or suits, or anything like that, nor would I ever want that. But here is what I want you to see, nothing is casual everything is special, everything is holy, everything is beautiful, everything ought to be as though it was the first time you ever saw it. And coming to meet with God's people is a absolutely wonderful thing, it's wonderful! And so let's go to the Lord and let's ask Him to teach us to cherish every moment as though it is brand new. Every time it enters into our heart we get to be with God's people, we get to think, "You know Christ will be there in a special way isn't that exciting?" Did you come here with expectation to see God do something in your life? Let's pray
Father I come before you today, Father I praise you and worship you, your love O Lord reaches to the heavens and your Faithfulness to the skies, you have always been our keeper even from our mothers womb you have lead us, you have watched over us, even when we did not know you, when we did not know your name, even when we were rebels before you O God you knew us and you protected us. And on the day that you choose to get the most glory for yourself you called us out of darkness into light. You introduced us to your Son, you changed our hearts so we saw Him to be beautiful. Father that work you did there on that day I pray that it will continue. That everyday we will see Christ as more precious, as more beautiful to us, that we would love Him with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all of our strength. That the passion of our life will teach our children to do the same. Father nothing is special unless you are here with us, unless Christ is walking and talking to us in this place. Father help us, strengthen us, clean our minds of everything that will bring confusion Lord, of everything that would be an obstacle to meditating on what is truly worthy. Father help us, strengthen us that we might worship thee, that we might understand your Word, and that you might be blessed Lord in what occurs here today. Lord help us, and do so in such away that we leave here knowing that we have been helped. Father I ask this in Jesus' name Amen
I found [Repeating]