S.P.Q.R. (Live) lyrics
by This Heat
Amo, amas, amat
Amamus, amatis, amant
We are all Romans, unconscious collective
We are all Romans, we live to regret it
We are all Romans and we know all about straight roads
Every straight road leads home, home to Rome
Two plus two equals four
Four plus four equals eight
We organise via property as power
Slavehood and freedom, imperial purple
Pax Romana!
Suckled by a she-wolf, we turn against our brother
Bella, bella, bella
Bellorum, bellis, bellis
Veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
Wе're all Romans, unconscious collective
Wе are all Romans, we live to regret it
We are all Romans and we know all about straight roads
Every straight road leads home, home to Rome
Two plus two equals four
Four plus four equals eight
We organise via property as power
Slavehood and freedom, imperial purple
Pax Romana!
Suckled by a she-wolf, we turn against our brother
Bella, bella, bella
Bellorum, bellis, bellis
Veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
We're all Romans