If you love looking your best at all times then you likely know that being a fashionista isn’t a cheap hobby to have. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to decide whether you are going to pay rent for the month or whether you will buy new fashion items, it just means knowing a few tips and tricks to help you keep your fashion costs down.
Snap and Share
You will happily take a photo each time your food is brought out, each time you see a cloud which resembles a famous landmark, or even just a picture of you making a silly face. So why not take a photo of that new dress you are considering buying?
However, instead of sharing it on your favorite social media platforms, a share is with your friends instead. Start by creating a chat group with all of your like-minded fashionista friends and, each time that you want to buy a new item, send a photo and the price to the group to check if anybody has seen it cheaper. Encourage your friends to use the group in the same way and you can all share and benefit from each others shopping addictions!
Gone are the days where you would cut out paper coupons from a magazine. Nowadays, if there is an item that you want to buy, then the chances are that there is a voucher for it. Sites like the Groupon Coupons page for Allen Edmonds offer a range of discounts from free shipping to discounted items, all of which quickly add up to significant savings on your fashion budget.
Of course, this tip isn’t limited to just menswear. If you are shopping for a dress, a blouse, or even a new pair of shoes, be sure to check out platforms like these first.
Join the List
When email first came out, it didn’t take long for retailers to realize that they had the chance to show their products to potential customers without having to spend on advertising.
Unfortunately, retailers blew their chance by bombarding us all with spam emails which didn't include a real offer and which weren’t targeted to the reader. This leads to everybody with an email account learning how to use the SPAM button.
Fast-forward to today and retailers have definitely learned their lesson. Now, if you are offered to join a mailing list, instead of cringing at the thought, hand over your email address and keep an eye on your inbox.
Smart retailers will match what items you purchased at the time that you signed up and consider offering you discounts on related items. For example, if you bought a new dress then there is a chance that an upcoming email advertising a promotion will include a pair of shoes which have been tailor matched.
Looking your best all year round doesn’t have to mean spending all of your budgets in one day. Keep the above tips in mind when searching for the latest trends and you will find that you can get more new items in your closet for less.