People Instagram are going wild after Bruno Mars and Cardi B have announced that they will be working as a partnership on the esteemed social media network. Music has long been both of these artists' passions, but in two very different spectrums.
News of the Bruno Mars and Cardi B partnership came out on here.
Now what is surprising about the new partnership is that Cardi B is more of a gangster rapper. She has gained a reputation for herself due to her explicit lyrics and her image couldn’t be more far away from Bruno Mar's making the pairing of these two stars an unlikely one or one that most would not have predicted.
Bruno Mars is known for his soft love music and meaningful lyrics with an appearance of children's TV shows such as Sesame Street. You can check out Bruno Mars singing his Sesame song on Netflix Italia were his song and the series of Sesame Street is still very popular. On most other Netflix this particular Sesame series is currently not available, so if you can find a way to access the Italian version, then you will be able to see the song.
Alternatively, check out the Bruno Mars Sesame song “Don’t Give Up” on YouTube here.
Cardi B is a Grammy award winner, but since she won the award there has been a lot criticism directed towards what many say is a lack of talent. How can someone like this win a Grammy award. The disheartened public have made no secret of publicly denouncing Cardi B.
Could this means that the partnership with Bruno Mars is to change her image rather than what most are saying, which is that Bruno risks bringing his own image down by being associated with the popular female rapper.
We say ‘popular' because Cardi B has a large and very unique following. The issues with the Grammy award is that there appears to be far more haters than there are fans. Now truly this is a sign of success in the eyes of most, and Cardi B appears to have a very good management team behind her. It is almost certain that they are taking advantage of the publicity despite most of it appearing to be negative.
For her fans, they won't care and from here she can only increase her popularity as more young females will start to follow a figure that looks like the underdog in public opinion. There is no shortage of young females that want to make a statement and will follow Cardi B. With Bruno Mars a heartthrob amongst many of the age group that follows Cardi B, we should expect her popularity to skyrocket.
In addition to this, we are almost certainly going to see more people approve of the Grammy once we see what the Cardi B and Bruno Mars partnership offers. One thing we can be certain of is that Bruno Mars is a professional, and his management team will be doing everything they can to make sure his reputation stays intact.
For now, this could be one of the most popular musical partnerships we have seen this decade. Exciting times to come in this music genre. Quite honestly we really don't know what to expect!