[Verse 1]
Send this shockwave through the darkness
"Loose them and let them go"
Shout aloud so all the righteous
Locked in bondage will know
It's the Hour of Departure
The Lord marches through the land
It's the great Day of His Power
His strong and His mighty hand
[Verse 2]
We announced to the princes
The Day of Thunder is here
Then the heavens shook with terror
The earth trembled with fear
For like dawn across the mountains
A mighty army arrived
Before them there was great rejoicing
Behind them nothing survived
[Chorus 2]
A people purified and holy
Perfected on the path they have come
For it’s the Power of the Journey
That has forged us and made us strong
They took their stand – the kings and princes
Against the Lord and His weapons of wrath
But before the Day was over
They could resist us no more
[Verse 3]
A cry came forth from the Temple
A shout from the ends of the earth
It was a Mighty God repaying
His enemies all they deserve
There was a noise upon the mountains
Great tumult and uproar
We were gathered for invasion
An army massed for war
[Chorus 3]
It was a Day like no other
When the Lord heard the voice of man
We changed the structure of the heavens
Forever - at our command
Assembled as a mighty weapon
On a foundation stable and sure
We came in full formation
And waged Dimensional War!