Let us lift up our holy hands unto the Lord. Amen? So Father we lift up our hands unto You. Each and every one of us. My brother is lifting up his hands right next to me, my sister is lifting her hands right next to me. I’m thinking about the long line of beauty and nobility, and obedience. The beauty of obedience that brought us to this place. I’m lifting my hands and thinking about the sacrifice of brothers who have gone before and sisters, who confronted the rage of the enemy and gave their lives and shed their blood to create this pathway of light that we walk on today. And I’m remembering them when I lift up my hands. I’m remembering what formed me and what made me what I am. The words and the shouts and the determination and the sacrifice and the obedience. Decade after decade. Generation after generation. That creates this highway on which we now stand
And I am thankful to You, for Your constancy and Your faithfulness. And Your determination to build and to flow and to encourage and to send Your Spirit into the hearts of men. We are grateful. Grateful because You have given us life. Grateful because our hearts rise up and sing. Grateful because sitting among my brothers, light has come into my mind and my soul and my spirit. Listening to the sound of the voice of my leaders. Just listening to the utterances of the Holy Spirit and gazing into the face of God. It has been profound and majestic and beautiful. And just gazing at You makes me a better man. Just looking at You Father, just gazing into Your heart, makes me a better man; makes me a better person and I am grateful
Thank You for keeping me, thank You for leading me, thank You for putting Your hand upon me. Thank You for giving me life, thank You for Your patience in tutoring me. Thank You for leading me out of folly and towards wisdom. Thank You for taking me out of weakness and giving me strength. Thank You for removing my doubts and offering unto me faith. Thank You for bringing me out of death and giving me this absolutely abundant life. Thank You for taking me out of aloneness, putting me in the midst of this absolutely astounding company. Thank You for taking me out of wandering and giving me a journey. I am thankful. Thank You, God! Thank You, Lord! Thank You for creating me. Thank You for giving me life. Thank You for ordaining me. Thank You for commissioning me. Thank You for selecting me. Thank You for guiding me. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for every battle. Thank You for every victory, thank You for every testing. Thank You for the hard place. Thank You for the easy place. Thank You for everything, every moment, every time, every place where Your mighty hand touched my life. I say thank You! Thank You God! Thank You