SO LET IT BE (Prayer)
The word ‘Amen’ means ‘so let it be’. So let it be. Amen. [We] lift up our hands to You and we bless You. We honor You. We worship You. We stand in Your presence and we bless You. We thank You for being a good God and a faithful Lord. One who has lead us for years, and years and years, who has always brought us the right way and has taken us forward into a predictable future. We bless Your name. Give us greater power to do Your will. Give us greater strength in the nations of the earth. Give us unlimited authority that we might glorify You; that we might honor You and lift You up, that all may know that You are the God of heaven, the King of all and the Creator of all men. Let all know who You are, and how great You are; how magnificent and wonderful You are. Give us the grace that we might reverence You and lift You up; honor You in everything that we do