Heed my warning
The territory you're about to enter
Is not a pretty one
I can almost guarantee
Your ears will not enjoy this
But, if you're feeling adventurous, go for it
Don't say I didn't warn you
(Backwards gibberish)
January! 22nd!
5:30! PM!
(Max Hiney: That almost sounded good for a second)
One, two, one, two, three, four
Don't waste the funk on a nasty dunk
Don't waste the funk on a nasty dunk
Don't waste the funk on a nasty dunk
Don't waste the funk on a nasty dunk
Basketballs dunked
Points scored
Records broken
Mascots ignored
(Backwards gibberish)
Butter fingers sweaty
Lebron James!
Micheal Jackson!
Kobe Bryant?
Frank Pizza!
These are all the names of fantastic dunkers
That have lived throughout history
What may happen if we miss a dunk?
Our whole lives lost at a funk
Forgotten shells of our previous greatness
On the bench, forever taking a rest
So I promise to you coach
I will never miss a dunk
I will never fake the funk