Cat-Call Chat (Live) lyrics
by Flo & Joan
So I got cat-called for the first time recently
And I don't get cat-called
That's not a brag, it's just a fact
I was stood at a crossroads
I had my dungarees, my overalls
And my backpack on
And a van pulled up next to me
A lovely man rolled down his window
And yelled "Nice ass" which is
A classic cat-call if you've never had one
Cause this had never happened to me
I had kind of a knee j*rk reaction and just
Looked through his window and yelled
"I'm twelve!" True story
So the light change & I crossed
Well, I skipped, across the road
And his didn't so he had to stay
At the crossroads while everyone
Stared at him like the creepy pervert he was
So uh, this is our next song