It’s Alright (Live) lyrics
by Flo & Joan
Sometimes in life we do things wrong
Like Judas did to Jesus
Or other things that aren't so bad
Like eating too much cheese-us
Sometimes we get embarrassed
Like if you sh*t yourself
When you sneeze-us
But hear this mister & miss-us
You better, better, better
Believe us
Cause we're telling you tonight
That it's alright, alright, alright
And it's alright to not know politics
And change your mind when you vote
And it's alright to base your life decisions
On inspiration quotes
And it's alright to not watch Game of Thrones
It's alright to not answer your telephone
It's alright to key your enemy's car
It's alright to wear your ugly bra
It's alright to not know who is the Dalai Lama
It's alright to flash your boobs for a free shawarma
Yes it's alright, alright
And it's alright to not go outside
Because you haven't shaved your armpits
And it's alright to not shave your armpits
So you don't have to go outside
And it's alright to spiritually, ethically
Cosmically, morally, scientifically void
And it's alright to think people who use
Big words to patronize should be destroyed
And even if it's not alright
Just say it is alright with confidence
And people will believe you
And it's alright to leave food on your plate
When there are kids out there who are starving
And it's alright to not know what to say
At an aboriginal carving
And it's alright to feel uncomfortable
Saying the word aboriginal
Now we don't know what to say
New verse
And it's alright to give a homeless man
Five dollars and ask for change back
And it's alright to deny your white parents
And tell the world that you're black
And it's alright to have a baby and
Then decide that you don't want it
And by saying you don't want it
We mean you made a big mistake
But it's alright to mistakes! It really is
And if you say it is alright with confidence
People will believe that it's true
And so we're telling you (x2)
That it's alright to say whatever you want
Cause freedom of speech
And it's alright to give up on your dreams
And decide instead to teach
And it's alright to not believe in God
But blame him when your sh*t goes wrong
And it's alright to clap along with us
As we sing this song
And it's alright to stop
And it's alright to be possessive
And it's alright to be passive aggressive
And it's alright to not be perfect
But you should probably f*cking try
And it's alright to make your dog do yoga
And it's alright to say 'Oh, no sir'
And it's alright to have hidden cameras
In your boyfriends car
I'm watching you Darrell (and Steve!)
Cause none of us really matter
In this world anyway
So do what you want to do
And say what you want to say
And if you're ever feeling doubtful
Remember the words of McConaughey
Say it's Alright, Alright, Alright
Matthew McConaughey