Singles Match
Missile Assault Man defeats Jervis Cottonbelly (4:26)
Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team Match
The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch and Max Smashmaster) [12] defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan and The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [8] (8:13)
Challenge Of The Immortals Match
Soldier Ant [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [12] defeats Heidi Lovelace [Dasher's Dugout] [7] (6:20)
Singles Match
Oleg The Usurper defeats Jaka by DQ (5:46)
Four Way Elimination Tag Team Match
The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare and Hallowicked) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Mark Angelosetti) and Cajun Crawdad and Hermit Crab and The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) (18:05)
- Ophidian defeated Crawdad (3:43)
- Hallowicked defeated Ophidian (15:39)
- Hallowicked defeated Mark Angelosetti (18:05)
Singles Match
Drew Gulak defeats Ashley Remington (12:03)
Challenge Of The Immortals Match
Fire Ant [Battle Hive] [7] defeats Silver Ant (w/Frightmare) [Nightmare Warriors] [10] by Count Out (17:26)
CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match
N_R_G (Hype Rockwell and Race Jaxon) (c) defeat The Punk Rock All Stars (Drake Carter and Shaun Cannon) [2:0] (8:44)
- Race Jaxon defeated Drake Carter (5:19)
- Hype Rockwell defeated The Punk Rock All Stars (3:25)
Singles Match
Chuck Taylor defeats Argus (1:18)