2018 Tag World Grand Prix Qualifying Match
Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream) d. The Nouveau Aesthetic (Ursa Minor in the Night Sky and Still Life with Apricots and Pears)
Singles Match
BLANK d. The Proletariat Boar of Moldova by countout
Mixed Atomicos Match
The Creatures of the Deep (Oceanea and Merlok), Cornelius Crummels and Sonny DeFarge d. The Rumblebees (Travis Huckabee and Solo Darling), Green Ant and Thief Ant
CHIKARA Grand Championship
Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) d. Ophidian
Tag Team Match
Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk and Nytehawk) d. Anthony Greene and DL Hurst
2018 Tag World Grand Prix Qualifying Match
The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and "Mr. Touchdown" Mark Angelosetti) d. The Legion of Rot (Hallowicked and Frightmare)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup XIV Final
Cam Zagami d. Omari- TITLE CHANGE
Singles Match
Officer Warren Barksdale d. Rory Gulak