Expansion Pack (pre-show)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Baltic Siege (The Estonian ThunderFrog, The Latvian Proud Oak and The Lithuanian Snow Troll) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar and Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) (15:54)
Six Man Tag Team Match
Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Nokken and Tursas) (w/Milo Schnitzler) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) (7:11)
Singles Match
Ashley Remington defeats Chuck Taylor (7:36)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama and Obariyon) defeat The Odditorium (Sinn Bodhi, Oliver Grimsly and Qefka The Quiet) by DQ (9:43)
Singles Match
Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Jervis Cottonbelly (5:09)
Non Title Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match
The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Mark Angelosetti) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker and Shane Matthews) and GEKIDO (17 and deviANT) and CHIKARA Campeones de Parejas The Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw and The Shard) (19:38)
- 17 pinned Shane Matthews (8:18)
- Dasher Hatfield pinned deviANT (13:51)
- Mark Angelosetti pinned The Shard (19:38)
Singles Match
Jimmy Jacobs defeats Archibald Peck (7:15)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant and Orbit Adventure Ant) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant and Worker Ant) (14:38)
CHIKARA Grand Title Match
Icarus defeats Eddie Kingston (c) (16:39) - TITLE CHANGE !!!