Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match
The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield and Mark Angelosetti) defeat ACDC (Arik Cannon and Darin Corbin) and Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Nokken and Tursas) and The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly and Qefka The Quiet) (15:26)
- Corbin pinned Grimsly (9:27)
- Nokken pinned Cannon (10:02)
- The Throwbacks eliminated Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes
Singles Match
Ophidian defeats Mysterious Movado (4:37)
Singles Match
Jaka defeats The Estonian ThunderFrog (9:58)
Tag Team Match
The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive and Max Smashmaster) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker and Shane Matthews) (9:24)
Singles Match
Chuck Taylor defeats Jervis Cottonbelly (6:33)
Eight Man Tag Team Match
The Spectral Envoy (Blind Rage, Frightmare, Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) defeat The Flood (17, Jigsaw, Missile Assault Ant and The Shard) (11:04)
Singles Match
Eddie Kingston defeats Shynron (6:37)
Ten Man Tag Team Match
The Batiri (Kodama and Obariyon) and The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant and Worker Ant) defeat The Flood (Ares, deviANT, Jimmy Jacobs, Oleg The Usurper and Volgar) (14:33)