Singles Match
Claudio Castagnoli defeats Dasher Hatfield (10:34)
Tag Team Match
3.0 (Scott Parker and Shane Matthews) defeat The UnStable (STIGMA and Vin Gerard) (12:03)
Singles Match
Icarus defeats Gregory Iron (6:32)
Singles Match
Brodie Lee defeats Sugar Dunkerton by Count Out (10:10)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Osirian Portal (Amasis, Hieracon and Ophidian) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant and Soldier Ant) (17:50)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
Frightmare (c) defeats Rich Swann (9:43)
Singles Match
Max Boyer defeats Tim Donst (0:04)
Singles Match
Eddie Kingston defeats Johnny Gargano (13:30)
CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match
Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush (c) defeat The Batiri (Kodama and Obariyon) (w/Kobald) [2:1] (17:59)
- Obariyon defeated Jigsaw (7:16)
- Jigsaw defeated Obariyon (6:13)
- Mike Quackenbush defeated Kodama (4:30)