Singles Match
Ophidian defeats Grizzly Redwood (2:49)
Singles Match
Chuck Taylor defeats Saturyne (6:19)
Singles Match
Mark Angelosetti defeats Dragonfly (3:51)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant and Soldier Ant) defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama and Obariyon)
Tag Team Match
Dragonfly Black (Dragonfly) and UltraMantis Black defeat The Batiri (Kodama and Obariyon)
Singles Match
Grizzly Redwood defeats Orange Cassidy (w/Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak and The Swamp Monster) (0:12)
Singles Match
Kobald defeats Saturyne
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant and Soldier Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.) and Ophidian (11:16)