Gavin Loudspeaker sings "Alabama Sun"
Singles Match
Ace Haven defeats Kyle Matthews (8:11)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Batiri (Kodama and Obariyon) and Ophidian defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus and Sugar Dunkerton) (15:20)
Singles Match
Soldier Ant defeats Saturyne (5:45)
Singles Match
Kobald defeats Frightmare (9:07)
Singles Match
The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats deviANT (9:01)
Tag Team Match
Jakob Hammermeier and Tim Donst defeat The Colony (assailANT and Fire Ant) (12:14)
Singles Match
The Shard defeats Gran Akuma (14:08)
Tag Team Match
The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.) (14:41)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
Mark Angelosetti (w/Veronica) (c) defeats Green Ant (20:22)