Singles Match
Hallowicked defeats Delirious (10:26)
Singles Match
USApe defeats Darkness Crabtree (1:53)
Singles Match
Daizee Haze defeats Allison Danger (7:47)
Tag Team Match
Men At Work (Mister ZERO and Shane Storm) vs. Team FIST (Gran Akuma and Icarus) - Time Limit Draw (15:00)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title #1 Contendership Tournament Semi Final Match
Rorschach defeats Niles Young (7:04)
Tag Team Match
Knight Eye For The Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger and Lance Steel) defeat Sweet 'n' Sour International (Larry Sweeney and Mano Metalico) (11:22)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title #1 Contendership Tournament Semi Final Match
Emil Sitoci defeats Crossbones (10:22)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Kings Of Wrestling (Arik Cannon, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) defeat Jigsaw, Mike Quackenbush and Sabian (18:46)