Tag Team Match
Allison Danger and Emil Sitoci defeat Darkness Crabtree and Hallowicked (14:31)
Singles Match
Cheech defeats Matt Turner (12:35)
Tag Team Match
Davey Andrews and Shane Hagadorn defeat The New Jersey Independent All-Stars (Danny Rage and JC Ryder) (6:32)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
Jigsaw (c) defeats Rorschach (8:31)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Kings Of Wrestling (Arik Cannon, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) defeat Knight Eye For The Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger and Lance Steel) and Shane Storm (28:36)
Singles Match
Anthony Franco defeats Cloudy (10:19)
AULL Middleweight Title Match
Mike Quackenbush (c) defeats Larry Sweeney (14:02)