Tag Team Match
Hydra and Jigsaw defeat Shane Storm and UltraMantis Black (5:59)
Singles Match
Soldier Ant defeats Crossbones (7:24)
Singles Match
Tim Donst defeats Icarus (10:53)
Singles Match
Brodie Lee defeats Worker Ant (2:53)
Tag Team Match
Incoherence (Delirious and Hallowicked) defeat The Osirian Portal (Amasis and Ophidian) (12:48)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
Helios defeats Chuck Taylor (c) (6:04) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
Singles Match
Fire Ant defeats Dragon Yuki (5:13)
Singles Match
Claudio Castagnoli defeats Larry Sweeney (10:13)
Tag Team Match
Cheech and Cloudy defeat The Olsen Twins (Colin Olsen and Jimmy Olsen) (11:30)
Singles Match
Lince Dorado defeats Mitch Ryder (6:32)