Bryce Remsburg is the acting Director of Fun
Singles Match
Eddie Kingston defeats Lince Dorado (4:35)
Singles Match
Ultimo Breakfast defeats Jimmy Olsen by DQ (4:17)
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Team FIST (Gran Akuma and Icarus) and The Osirian Portal (Amasis and Ophidian) defeat The Colony (Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) and The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Stupefied) (12:36)
Larry Sweeney in-ring promo
Singles Match
Incognito defeats Chuck Taylor (11:23)
Singles Match
Shane Storm defeats Mike Quackenbush by DQ (8:26)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
Vin Gerard defeats Fire Ant (c) (12:40) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
Singles Match
Tim Donst defeats UltraMantis Black (w/Hydra) (4:49)
No Disqualification Match
Brodie Lee defeats Claudio Castagnoli (12:08)
CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match
Incoherence (Delirious and Hallowicked) (c) defeat The Fabulous Two (Buck Hawke and Mitch Ryder) [2:1] (19:23)
- Mitch Ryder pinned Delirious (8:09)
- Hallowicked pinned Buck Hawke (8:25)
- Hallowicked pinned Mitch Ryder (2:49)