(Mike Quackenbush's "There is a better professional wrestling" speech from before the event.)
Singles Match
Drew Gulak defeats Lucas Calhoun (10:14)
Singles Match
Lucas Calhoun defeats Drew Gulak (1:40)
Four Way Elimination Match
Chuck Taylor and DUSTIN defeat The Closers (Rick Roland and Sloan Caprice) (w/The Big Deal) and Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo) and N_R_G (Hype Rockwell and Race Jaxon) (14:06)
- The Closers eliminated The Sea Stars (7:40)
- Caprice pinned Jaxon (12:20)
- DUSTIN pinned Roland (14:06)
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match
The Estonian ThunderFrog (c) defeats Hermit Crab (7:37)
Singles Match
The Big Deal (w/Rick Roland and Sloan Caprice) defeats Officer Warren Barksdale (5:57)
Tag Team Match
Dasher Hatfield and Heidi Lovelace defeat The heXed Men (Icarus and Mark Angelosetti) (18:41)
Singles Match
Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Zack Sabre Jr. (21:43)