Young Lions Cup III Qualifying Match
Crossbones defeats Andy Sumner (3:54)
Tag Team Match
Equinox and Skayde defeat Darkness Crabtree and Dr. Cheung (9:32)
Young Lions Cup III Qualifying Match
Mat Bomboy defeats Din Mak (7:33)
Larry Sweeney promo
Young Lions Cup III Qualifying Match
Icarus defeats Kanjyouro Matsuyama (7:20)
Young Lions Cup III Qualifying Match
Shane Storm defeats Gran Akuma (6:46)
Young Lions Cup III Qualifying Match
Claudio Castagnoli defeats Jolly Roger (11:33)
Singles Match
Chris Hero defeats Sabian (14:10)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth) and Jigsaw defeat The Dark Breed (Blind Rage, Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) (22:34)