Singles Match
Darkness Crabtree defeats CP Munk (5:09)
Singles Match
Crossbones defeats Jervis Cottonbelly (6:30)
Singles Match
Sabian defeats Jay Phoenix (8:05)
Singles Match
Eddie Kingston defeats Rorschach (2:55)
ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Title Match
Chuichiro Arai defeats Larry Sweeney (c) (12:32) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
Singles Match
Hallowicked defeats Lance Steel (9:33)
Singles Match
Chris Hero defeats Milano Collection AT (16:15)
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Jigsaw, Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm and Skayde defeat The Kings Of Wrestling (Arik Cannon, Claudio Castagnoli, Gran Akuma and Icarus)