Six Man Tag Team Match
Dragon Dragon and Lancelot (Lance Steel and Lance Steel) defeat The Prescription Thugs (Darkness Crabtree and Dr. Cheung) and The Punisher (10:48)
Singles Match
The Prophet defeats Casanova (8:39)
Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Team F.I.S.T.) in-ring promo
ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Title Match
Larry Sweeney (c) defeats Sabian (12:26)
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Angel de Fuego, Equinox and The Coca Cola Connection (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) defeat Crossbones, Rorschach and The Dark Breed (Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black) (10:05)
Tag Team Match
The Kings Of Wrestling (Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli) defeat The Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth) (10:47)
Singles Match
Allison Danger defeats Sumie Sakai (8:13)
Six Man Tag Team Match
The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Gran Akuma and Icarus) defeat Men At Work (Mister ZERO and Shane Storm) and Milano Collection AT (20:32)