A Kind Invitation lyrics
by Tyson Motsenbocker
In a different time, in a different place
There was a small boy in a boat, traveling down a river catching fish from the side when he came upon two figures walking up on the banks of the river
As he came close enough to make them out more clearly, he discovered that one of them was a tall man and the other was a beautiful woman
"Hello," said the man
"Hello," said the woman
"Hello," said the boy
"My name is Death," said the man, "and this my friend. Her name is Love."
"It is a pleasure to meet you," said the boy
"Won't you come and walk with us today?" asked Love, "For in this forest there are many beautiful and wonderful things we can show you."
"Ah," said the boy, "it is a kind invitation. But I'm afraid if I was to leave this boat and come walk with you, I would miss all the fish that are yet to be caught in this river, and what greater joy is there to a boy than to pull a fish from the river?" And he continued on his way
Many years later when the boy had grown to a man, he was walking through the forest carrying his tools for work. He came upon Death and Love walking in the opposite direction
"Hello," said the man
"Hello," said Death
"Hello," said Love. "Won't you come and walk with us," asked Love, "for it has been many years since we first met, and even on this road you walk every day of your life, there are many beautiful and wonderful things we can show you."
"Ah," said the man, "it is a kind invitation, but I'm not as naïve as I was when we first met. I know now that if I was to walk with you, and turn to speak with love, I will have left my back towards Death, and his dangers have become famous to me. If I was to turn and speak with Death, I will have left my back to Love, and even the most beautiful flower in the forest will look broken and decayed."
"Besides," said the man, "I have much work to do." And he continued on his way
Many years later, when the man had grown old, and his beard was long and white, and his face looked like a map of the mountains, Death came to visit him
"Hello," said the man
"Hello," said Death
"All of these years I have looked to find her alone," said the man, "but when I came near, I found you were there also."
"Ah," said Death, sitting down beside the man, "that was your mistake. For wherever Love is, I am close behind. She displays my power and my poetry and even my beauty. When I am nearby, Love's face shines brighter, the colors of the earth burn truer, and time itself speeds."
"I have always avoided her to be clear of you," said the man
"Then I too have made a mistake," said Death, rising to his feet, "by never telling you that I always come alone in the end."