Places to live! Give me places to love!
Wonders to wander to places to live!
My feet are dreaming of new dust, new dirt
My hips want to swing in a cellophane skirt
Give me my change in a celluloid note
While I buy wooden hats from the factory boat
Places to live! Give me places to love!
Wonders to wander to places to live!
My tonsils are longing to hum a new tune
I'm dying to dance by the dark of the moon
With mustachioed Mounties in deep purple kilts
And me in blue velvet on flaming red stilts
Places to live! Give me places to love!
Wonders to wander to places to live!
My soul is keening for new forms of faith!
I need a new God more than Henry the Eighth
To take off my feathers and give me release
And I'll kneel in the sand and I'll drown my valise
Places to live! Give me places to love!