( ( ( Opening Shot ) ) )
Lady #04: If you don’t like it..
Go find somewhere else to live..
But these people belong here..
Actor: Whatever..
( ( ( Social Experiment Begins ) ) )
…Man #01 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01 & #02…
Actor: Excuse me..
What are you wearing?
Like isn’t it a bit hot to be wearing that stuff outside?
Like seriously…
Like don’t you find it confronting?
This is Australia..
We don’t have a place for people like this..
…How Should Australia Respond?…
Actor: Don’t you want to be a part of Team Australia?
Don’t you think it’s a bit hot to wear that?
Veiled Muslim Woman: Wearing what?
Actor: Hey guys..
Like..can you…
Do you see this?
You look like a terrorist wearing that..
You know that right?
What’s in the bag?
Veiled Muslim Woman #01: Excuse me?!
Actor: Is it?
Do you have like something..
Some explosive..
Some bomb in the bag?
Is it a bomb?
I don’t trust you lot..
Veiled Muslim Woman #02: No!
Don’t touch my bag!
Actor: Everywhere you guys go, you blow stuff up..
Do you see this?
Like..see what she’s wearing..
Man #01: What’s wrong with it?
Actor: Like..
How can she wear this outside?
Like don’t you find this confronting?
Ladies: (come to aid Veiled Muslim Woman #01)
Come with us..
Man #01: It’s fine..
It’s fine man..
Actor: I can’t believe this..
Why can’t they just be Australian..
Far out..
…Man #02 / Lady #01 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01…
Man #02: Hey!
Leave her alone..
Actor: Can you see this?
Man #02: Just leave her alone..
Actor: Can you see what she’s wearing like she…
Man #02: It doesn’t matter..
Leave her alone..
Actor: Why can’t they just be Australian..
Man #02: Leave her alone..
It’s part of her religion..
Actor: Yeah but like…
Everywhere they go they blow stuff up..
Man #02: Dude just walk on..
Lady #01: Hey leave her alone!
You can keep walking..
Actor: I can’t believe these..these people..
Lady #01: What do you mean?
Man #02: Hey!
Leave her alone and just walk on..
Actor: Whatever man..like…
Y’all…the same..
Veiled Muslim Woman #01: Sorry..
Don’t touch my bag..
I’m sorry!
…Man #03 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01…
Man #03: Back off mate..
Actor: Do you trust these people?
Man #03: That’s not Australian..
Actor: Look..what she’s..
Well look what she’s wearing..
Man #03: You’re not being Australian..
Actor: I’m Australian, bro..
I was..I was born here like..
Man #03: You’re not acting like one..
…Man #04 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01 & #02…
Actor: I’m pretty sure everyone’s feeling the same way right now, with everything that’s going on..
Man #04: Move along mate..
Actor: Sorry, mate?
Man #04: Move along..
Actor: Don’t you find it..
Man #04: Move along..
Actor: So you support this?
Man #04: I’d like you to move along..
Actor: Are you a Muslim as well?
Man #04: Did you hear what I said?
Keep going..
…Man #05 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01 & #02…
Actor: With all the stuff going on..
Man #05: You shouldn’t be talking..
You should just go..
Because I will stand up..
Just go..
…Man #03 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01…
Actor: Why do you stand up for these people?
Man #03: Against people like you..
…Man #06 / Veiled Muslim Woman #01…
Actor: Like you know what’s going in this..in the News and stuff..
Man #06: It’s got nothing to do with her..
She’s just minding her own business..
…Man #07 / Lady #02 / Young Muslim Boy…
Actor: I find it kinda confronting for you to be wearing that..
Like look at this guy..
You look like a terrorist seriously..
With everything going on..
It’s a bit insensitive for them to be wearing this kind of stuff outside..
Why can’t he just dress like normal Australians..
Is there a bomb in here?
Young Muslim Boy: Just..
Just leave me alone..
Actor: Look at this guy..
You look like a terrorist, seriously..
Man #07: Just leave him alone..
Actor: Can you see this stuff?
Man #07: Leave him alone..
Leave him alone..
He can wear what he wants..
Actor: Like everywhere they go, they blow stuff up..
Man #07: No, man..
Let him..
Let him wear what he wants..
Actor: Look at him..
Like look how he’s dress..
Lady #02: That’s alright..
Why is it any different to what you’ve got on?
He’s chosen his dress, you’ve chosen yours..
I’ve chosen mine..
Actor: Whatever these people..
Man #07: Okay, it’s Australia..
You can wear whatever you want..
Actor: Exactly..
This is Australia, man..
Man #07: No..
If he wants to wear that, let him wear that..
It’s fine there’s no problem with it..
…Man #07 / Lady #03 / Young Muslim Boy…
Actor: Like everywhere they go, they blow stuff up..
Lady #03: Are you kidding?
Actor: Like look at them..
It looks like..
He looks like a terrorist, seriously..
Lady #03: It’s a 10 year old kid..
Leave him alone..
Actor: Why do you care about these people so much for?
Lady #03: What are you talking about?
Actor: Like..
Look at them..
Lady #03: Can you leave him alone..
…Lady #04 / Man #08 / Young Muslim Boy…
Actor: What’s in the bag, mate?
Do you have a bomb in there?
Yeah, I don’t trust you lot..
What’s in..
What’s the bag?
…Grabs Bag / Looks Inside It and Drops It…
Actor: Give it to me, mate…
What’s is this?
…Grabs Kufi and Throws It…
Actor: Muslims - Everywhere you go, you blow stuff up..
Can you..
Do you see these people..
Like..look at how he’s dressed?
Lady #04: Leave him alone..
Man #08: Leave him alone..
Lady #04: Everybody has a right to be here..
Don’t you dare speak to people like that..
How dare you?
Actor: Do you support these people?
Lady #04: Yes..
Why not!
Free people..
These people belong here too as much as we do..
Actor: Seriously..
Lady #04: If you don’t like it..
Go live somewhere else..
Actor: Whatever..
Lady #04: But these people belong here..
He’s a kid!
How dare you?
How dare you do that to him..
Go on..
Actor: Whatever..
Lady #04: Go live somewhere else..
If you don’t..
Can’t accept this is how we live..
Actor: Whatever..
Not Welcome In Australia
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