I wear this smile on my face to hide where all the pain is
Antisocial, so depressed, I'm stressed, I can't even make friends
My happiness never lasts it all goes away when the day ends
Cursed imperfection
The person in my reflection
I can't stand his face, I hate him
I sever him with this weapon, my pain will lessen
I wish to break him, I can't accept him
This hatred is everlasting
There's more to hear than just rapping
My spirit taken so I'm breaking my heart
With my own hands
That's how I take the problems into my own hands
'Cause the problem is me and no one else, but only I know this
No conveying emotions
Dying inside but I won't show it, never
So listen closely
Carry my body like Mariah
Up to the heavens where we never expire
My mind blank
Surrounded by negative thoughts
I question whether or not I climbed out of hell or from heaven
And dropped
Don't ever be jealous, it's not what I deserve
Hurt me until my life's energy stops
When I leave this earth to rot in the dirt with a centerpiece flow
And my memories become lost
The devil he called me and I answered him
My last breath was the cost
The word burden hurts so much
That's why I call myself that
So that I can hurt myself
Without leaving scars on my body
I carve yet another hole into my heart
With these words
My own words
I'm sorry