In the Same Boat (Bonus Track) lyrics
by Original Cast of The Lightning Thief Musical
Wow, maybe your mom should've totally chilled
Instead of making monsters that get us all killed!
Well, maybe your dad should've picked a better place
All he did was diss her with disgrace
Guys, calm it down
With all life's stresses
It ain't worth cleaning up your parents' messes
Now ask me where we are, I'll give you three guesses!
Ask me!
Where are we?
We're in the same bo-o-oat
In the very same bo-o-oat
I'd like to wrap my hands around that half-blood's throat!
Don't need to heed a talking goat!
The same bo-o-o-o-o-oat
We're in the same boat!
And look what I found at Medusa's place!
Three Amtrak tickets?
Why run from monsters when we can ride?
We're in the same tra-a-ain
In the very same tra-a-ain
With Anna-blegh!
And Seaweed Brain!
You're so high-strung
Well, you're insane!
The same tra-a-a-a-ain
We're in the same train!
Last stop, Denver, Colorado!
Wow, check out those rocky mountains!
You mean the Rocky Mountains?
That is so beautiful. I need a veggie burger!
Did someone say 'veggie burger?'
Wait, does anyone else find this suspicious?
Roll with it. It's not every day you get a veggie burger from a god. Ares, god of war! Maybe you've met my daughter, Clarisse? Woah, woah, woah, relax, I come in peace! I hear you runts are headed to Hades, but you'll never make it on public transportation. I can take you as far as Vegas. Y'all cool with motorcycles, right?
We're on the same bi-i-ike!
On the very same bi-i-ike!
There's lots about this that I don't like!
Can we trust this guy?
You could always hike!
The same bi-i-i-i-ike
We're on the same bike!
Vegas, baby! Forgettin' somethin'? This is where I get off
That guy is so cool!
Okay, gang, we need a place to spend the night
Uh, how 'bout here? The Lotus Hotel
You're joking, right? In the Odyssey, if you went to sleep in a lotus bed, one night could last a hundred years!
Well, I'm sure that's irrelevant. Uh, excuse me, miss, how long have you been at this hotel?
Why, my brother and I arrived just yesterday, May 1st, 1939!
Bada badada ba ba badada
Bada badada ba ba badada
Bada badada ba ba badada
Bada badada ba ba badada
(continues through next verse)
Athena, give me strength so I don't kill him!
Mother, guide with your wisdom, lend me some sense
I defend you, but I only tend to will him
To get more and more defensive
Terse and tense!
Mother? Figures...
Los Angeles!
It's strange
Sometimes I think I'm dreaming
It's messed up, but he's kinda cute
When he's angry and all screamy
He's so weird
But a good weird
Our parents' paths are pushing us apart
And my head is always stronger than my heart
If only he would say something that was remotely smart!
I got it. The map was upside down
Here we are, DOA Records
I kinda figured there'd be monsters
Yeah, uh, who knew that the lobby to the Underworld would be so...
Going down? No sobs, no screaming, and no getting seasick!
How do you get seasick in an elevator? Boat!
The way to the Underworld is over the Styx
It's a river
I know, you showoff
Sexist, much?
Go make a splash
I'll splash you
It's like watching titans clash
They'll kill each other, or they'll kiss
If we're lucky, they'll end up in an abyss
I've seen some messed up stuff
But nothing quite like this
If you'd just listen
If you'd stop criticizing me!
(PERCY & ANNABETH continue arguing)
We're in the same bo-o-oat
In the literal bo-o-oat
I'm trying to stay afloat above the lava moat
Have you even heard a word coming from my throat?
The same bo-o-woah, woah, woah!
We're in the same...
Did we just... almost die?
I feel something strange
Is it.. seasickness?
Perspective. That stuff with our parents, it's ancient history
And who says history has to repeat itself?
Say it! Say it! You know you wanna say it! Just say it already!
We're in the same bo-o-oat
Yes! Weird guy!
In the very same bo-wo-woat
Everybody now!
We're in the same...