Team 6 lyrics
by VanossGaming
Team 6 came here to f*ck sh*t up and I don't give a flying f*ck, so Uber Driver hurry up, I’m paying you eleven bucks
Team 6 came to here to f*ck sh*t up, my sweat is dripping down my nuts, so Uber Driver hurry up i'm paying you eleven bucks
We making a Stop in the drive thru, let's order some nuggets and fries too
We don’t wait in no lines cause we famous as f*ck
Some dude tried to pass so i pooped in his truck
We driving through town with the windows cause the A.C don't work an my pits show
Get on your knees girl and suck on this clout, we got 24, 25 sub's we keep count
Team 6 came to here to f*ck sh*t up, my sweat is dripping down my nuts, so Uber Driver hurry up i'm paying you eleven bucks
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