Withered Trees lyrics
by I Remember 2006
(Part One)
When you look in the forest
Lay the trees
No one knew
How they were there
But all of us
Had a guess
And it all was
About withering
So while no one
Could know
What the answer
Truly was
We all took a
Gander at them
On the ground
Withered trees
(Part Two)
When they realized
He wouldn't survive
They went to call/fall (?)
Upon the court
Back to the scarecrow
After it withered away
People could not believe it
So they round up the hay (?)
That one scarecrow
Became a million others
But the only thing
Each one is one of a kind
Back to that hotel
In my mind
It shut down
When all the light went out
(Part Three)
And to this forest
Slowly decaying
All these withered trees
I don't even know how many
So look over here, this grave of trees
And this forest just conceals them all
Look at this graveyard
Of withered trees
Withered trees
Withered trees