The Ballad of Joseph Jackal and Russell Roundhouse lyrics
by I Remember 2006
(Part One: The Farmer)
I don't feel right
Something is wrong
But I can't put my finger on it
Things feel out of place
I don't feel right anymore
What are with these buildings
Passing through the clouds?
This don't feel right at all
What time is it? How did I get here?
Where am I at? Tell me, please
No way. This can't be America
What happened to the 1800s?
I'm not supposed to be here
Bring me back
There's no way I'm three centuries ahead now
Somebody tell me how to get back
To my own time
My name is Josеph Jackal
I'm not from this time period
I want to go home. I want to go homе
(Part Two: The Outlaw)
Hey, this is nice
I like this new change
Well, maybe you've heard of me
I'm from what the people now call the wild west
Ah, yes! This is a new change of time
A new way of looking at life
You know, from where I'm from, I'm an outlaw
But I think that time is up
They're not going to look for me centuries behind
I can start again tonight
No one is going to take me back to my time
I'll take the world by storm if you don't mind
For my name isn't Russell Roundhouse
The new world can hide me now
No way am I going back to my time
You're not going to drag me back this time
I'll make a new life. They won't find me
They'll never see me, hey!
(Part Three: The Threat)
You must be out of your mind
To think I'll stay in this time
You will not trap me here
I'll go back home
I will not let you take away my life as I know it
Come on out, Russell
You damn coward!
If we have to fight
For me to go back home
Then, damn you, I will fight!
There'll only be one winner
Either we go back home
Or one of us will have to die
Come out and fight me
Oh, come out, you coward!
The Ballad of Joseph Jackal and Russell Roundhouse
(Part Four: The Showdown) (Instrumental)