I Don’t Know You Anymore lyrics
by I Remember 2006
(Verse One)
In elementary is when we met
And a friendship blossomed
And for years it stayed like that
Even into our adulthood
But something happened
And I can't explain
You became something else
(Chorus V1)
I don't know you anymore
What happened to you
Something changed you for the worse
And I can't explain
(Verse Two)
In sophomore year
We roamed the avenues
We learned to hide from the lights
We knew what they would bring
Rapscallions from the east side of town
We would the ignore the curfew all the time
Just so we could see the world
That we loved oh so
Not to be taken down by the law
(Chorus V2)
I don't know you anymore
What happened to you?
What changed you into this?
What do you mean now?
In our adulthood you went to me one day
Told about a light in the sky
Saying, "They're here! They're coming around!
I swear I saw it coming around
Glowing in the sky, descending to the ground!"
You couldn't tell me anything without sounding so freaked out
You couldn't tell without sounding freaked out
Every word came out of your mouth like it had been stuck there for years
Everything that you said just made no sense to my ears
And everything that you had said to me
It flew over my head and I don't know the meaning
Even back then, you had a wife
All scared and didn't know what to do
I couldn't realign my eyes to see you in the same light
That friend of mine has disappeared
In the skull of a head that I remember seeing for years
And there's nothing I could do to change it
There's nothing the past can bring back
Everything is falling apart
And I don't know how to tell it
How do I bring it up to someone without sounding like I'm insane?
"What do you mean a light took away your friend?"
And everything is going down
I just kept on hearing you say, "they're here."
Just kept on hearing you say, "they're here."
I couldn't make you stop
Every word you said came out of your mouth
And no way to make them stop
Everybody looks around thinking you've lost your mind
And I just have to think about the times
We were in the avenues
Innocent minds not hurting a single person in our lives
Now everything is falling apart
Who are you now?
I don't know you now
You lost it all behind the day
That light came down and shined in your face
All that we've known; all that we saw
It allotted to nothing at at
I've lost the best friend I've had
I've lost the best friend I've had
I've lost the best friend I've had
I've lost the best friend I've had