Grand Horizon lyrics
by I Remember 2006
(Part One: The Breach) 00:00 - 06:04
(Verse One)
We got done visiting another planet
We were getting ready to go home
But everything went wrong
The vessel breached
We're stranded out in space
How do we get home?
The coldness envelopes me
I just want to be warm
I just want to sit down
On a chair, on a couch, whatever
My body is stuck floating in the universе
I don’t want to be stuck in space
Such a cold place
Such a cold spacе
If you see me in the sky
Tell my friends I'm dying
Because when I finally give in
I'll be falling down again
(Verse Two)
We have to send a message somehow
The longer we’re out here
The quicker we're dying
The Grand Horizon has fallen apart
It's beyond repairable
What even happened here?
So much of the crew is gone
Only a handful of us remain
We have to think of a plan
What is out there for us?
There has to be a way
To send a distress signal
So someone can rescue
Think, think, think!
I don't want to be stuck in space
Such a cold place
Such a cold space
If you see me in the sky
Tell my friends I'm dying
Because when I finally give in
I'll be falling down again
(Verse Three)
Dantarian notices something in the distance
Looks like a structure of some kind
It could be our only change
Of getting back home again
Here goes nothing
You know how hard it is to move in space
You think it's easy, but you're stuck in place
No air resistance, no drag force
It’s you that has to make the effort to move
And there’s no friction, so you just go forever
But, hey, if it helps us get closer to that structure
Everything is worth it
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
(Part Two: A Structure in the Nebulae) 06:04 - 09:55
We reach it!
We're there!
This best be worth it
(Verse Four)
Inside of a nebulae
The structure was floating
Quantona had to break inside
Over here, I’m praying no one's inside
We climb into the vessel
All the lights have gone out
Must have been derelict
For a really long time
Exploring every room
The symbols on the wall are so foreign
We have to take guess on what all of them mean
If this place hadn't been abandoned
We would be the aliens
Invading a ship
But this is completely empty
We're not breaking the Astra Federation Convention
While going through the station
I find something on a table
It looks like a camera
So I attempt to work it
To my surprise it comes alive
The footage is all in black and white
These creatures from the past appear in their grainy shots
This could be the only evidence they existed
But I can gather they were broadcasting to somewhere
So my best bet is the try it myself
(The Broadcast)
Hello? Is there anyone out there? This is the crew of the Grand Horizon, or what’s left of it at least. Our vessel breached and we need help! We're in a nebulae where we found this structure inside. It's completely abandoned, but were still here. We don't have much time left, maybe a week. A week and-a-half, if we're lucky. Our coordinates are...
(Part Three: The Signal's Journey Through Space) 09:55 - 19:05
(Part Four: Desperate Cry for Help) 19:05 - 21:30
Floating in space
Flying in place
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
Floating in place
Flying in space
I don't want to be stuck in space
Such a cold place
Such a cold space
If you see me in the sky
Tell my friends I'm dying
Because when I finally give in
I'll be falling down again
I know someone has to be out there
Someone has to be getting this
This broadcast we're sending out
Don't leave us in the dark
I know some planet must be nearby
Or a beacon, or a ship going by
This is an S.O.S. from the Grand Horizon
Don't leave us in the dark!