Transformation in the Obelisk lyrics
by I Remember 2006
There I was in the obelisk
My body has changed to suit you
My mind is a prisoner
What can I do?
Gah, I hate saying these words
They've been repeated over again
The walls are an echo chamber
I speak out of them
The rooms in here are nice, though
I've never seen anything like them
If this is where I'm going to be
Forever in time
I better make the most of it
Being a host
Well, you took me over via my notebook writings
Should have never went into that cave that day
But it's too late to take that back, now isn't it
I'm a host now and I'll never not be
My body is gone
I have faded into you
Andesite and amphibole lining my body
Where skin used to be
Well, I guess it's my skin
Jagged edges around my arms and my legs
Torso covered in soft scales
Those almost of a moth
You're voice comes out of me
Deep and bellowing
Purple beams coming out of our eyes
My identity is starting to die
Dissolving into you
I'm becoming you
The obelisk is now my new home
If you see me in the sky
Tell my friends I'm already gone
Breaks have gone away
You're always moving
I can't stay in one place
We oversee everyone in the city
No stopping at any time
You say there's no rest for gods
Why can't I rest and you not
I'm restless over the thought
You're relentless on accomplishing your goal
We're taking over the country of Lasterak
And you won't stop at any rest
Overseeing the city of Kingsgear
Looking for more than this
Now that I have transferred into your frame
You can't lend me a break
Don't you think it's getting late, man? Like, I'm not used to this. Look, I understand you're a god and all, but why must I get dragged around with your antics? Do you even ever sleep? I'm barely conscious, yet you're fully awake. Let me sleep. You take over. You still control this vessel. Just let me sleep in our mind